Monday, August 25, 2014

The Glass Has Water In It


          Things have been going..........better. I've kicked my pain meds, got a little part-time job, and actually have some energy. It's been a hard transition though. When sick is your normal, normality is abnormal. My body is coping, but the mind takes longer to catch up.
          A Crohn's patient should always stay positive and think positive, but sometimes that's when the rug gets pulled out from underneath you. Yes, I'm feeling better and on the road to health, however I'm not out of the woods yet. It's been only six weeks since my last hospitalization and that isn't the longest stretch I've done between admissions. The fistulas are still open, the abscesses could come back, something worse could pop up. The list of what ifs goes on and on. So what do I do? Ignore what could happen and blast forward full speed ahead? Wallow in the fear of possible maladies and more hospitalizations? It comes down to outlook. What kind of person am I?: glass half full or glass half empty? Right now all I can say is that there is water in the glass. I'm not looking forward and I'm not looking back. Every day that I feel well and have energy I will take advantage.
          Remember that. There are days when we don't know which way is up, how to feel, or how to plan for the future. Just remember that half-full or half-empty, there is water in the glass. Drink it up.