Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Body By Crohn's

          It's been almost two years since I first did a photo shoot entitled "Body Image" with photos taken by Anthony Lanza of Lanza Photography and posted it here for the world to see.  It got a lot of feedback.  Some positive, some negative, but mostly positive.  It has been a long and hard two years since then.  Many things have changed, even more pieces of me are gone, and the journey is no where near at an end.  I think this latest shoot, a collaboration with Jake Rains of Jake Rains Photography entitled "Body by Crohn's" shows me a little worse for wear.  I believe that to be accurate.  I've been fighting hard for over three years to survive what this disease does.  I have a long way to go and I know there are many out there who have a fight even harder than mine.  This disease takes not only a physical toll, but an emotional and psychological one as well.  I've been to the darkest side of myself many times, but have always been able to return, however each journey there and back chips away at your very existence.  I hope that these pictures have captured that and can speak to others that even the strongest among us carry battle scars and they are a heavy burden.  Together we can share the load.


  1. Lindsay, I understand your battle as my dad has Crohn's. Although, each person's battle is different. You're a beautiful, brave young woman. God bless you and keep you strong. Eileen M.

  2. I'm moved by these photos and am remembering when my husband wore an appliance after his colectomy surgery. You're a very brave young woman.

  3. Lindsay I do feel your pain, literally. I to have Crohns disease. I looked like you.I am older now and have less pain and fewer flares. It's still a daily battle but most days are better than when I was in my twenties and thirties. I hope the same will be true for you! Your photos are very powerful and I think you are too. Thank you for sharing and educating others.

  4. I also have Chrohns. it has been something else. some days wonder if worth the fight. But what gets me more than anything is so many in my family think it's Nothing , that I am just wanting attention I guess. It saddens me that I am unable to get the help that I suffer with this alone . One day though I hope to overcome and be able to live again. Suza

    1. I understand what you mean. I have family that think it's all ok and that I should have a fear of going out. I have gained so much weight because I just don't want to eat anymore because when I do I get ill. I too am hoping for that day when I get to overcome this autoimmune disease. Many Blessings to you and all!!

  5. Lindsay, I too feel your pain, I am a lot more healthy, but again every day is different. If you need to talk I am here for you. You know me as Juanita's mom.

  6. I give Lindsey so much credit for helping to get this message out. People just do not know what we go through. I cannot get surgery for mine because of where it is, and I am allergic to all modern medicine for crohn's so now I have started to do things on my own. I eat non GMO, no processed foods, no gluten, and try to only have natural sugar like in fruit and honey. I have not been able to have a normal life, or my "old" life back in now 6 years. I only stay in the house, and because of a fistula on the outside of my body, I cannot work anymore, because it's connected to my intestines and the bacteria that lives in our intestines leak out it, so I am liability for businesses. So I have been classified now as disabled. I also was supposed to be married in 2011, but the groom decided to cheat on me and lie to me, because of my Crohn's and he didn't want me or to deal with this illness. I am 38 years old and now weigh 280 pounds, or about 20 stones. My weight is the most unstable. It goes up and down in extremes. I have however, been mostly heavy all my life, or bigger than all my friends. I know now, that getting married and having my dream wedding is out of reach. I even have lost friends because of being sick, and they ask me to go out and I just cannot. I used to have a fear of public bathrooms, and now...I have to look for a bathroom when I go out, I have to know where all the bathrooms are at. So I know what it is like to have anxiety, and stress and pain and depression, due to what this disease takes away, as well as, what other autoimmune diseases are added on when you have crohn's...like leaky gut syndrome, arthritis, lots of inflammation throughout your body, in which no one understands the pain or the things you go through. In my case, they all seem to think they understand what I am doing through because they have been sick with the flu, or been in pain all there life and they have to deal with it and still can go to work. They do not understand how difficult it is to walk away from the bathroom. Unlike you I do not have a bag, so I need to have a bathroom when I need it, and if I cannot make it in time, well you know what happens, and it is embarrassing, because this is not the normal thing that happens to people that are 38 years old or younger. We were all potty trained, and didn't expect to have issues like this. I just want to thank you Lindsey for having the strength to show your experience and making people see and be educated and aware of just how difficult this disease is. Many Blessings to you and all with love and light always, Namaste and Blessed Be! <3 )o(CMD

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